Cool Cars Under The Stars

Ready For Take Off

It's another two-fer cause I'll be gone this weekend as well. Every Wednesday night in my town they have this thing called Cool Cars Under The Stars in which they basically have as the title says: cool cars at night. My cousin owns a 1963 Ford Falcon Futura convertible which is pretty awesome. Well, he cranked up the 60's rock and drove with me and his girlfriend up to the show and we all hung out while I took some pictures.

Other news: the hotel that wanted one of my photos is now taking two more! Boooyah!


Josy said...

Booyah INDEED. Congratulations!

Plus--neato pictures. If they were taken at night--did you have a tripod?

Adam said...

Thanks! :)

They're really more at "twilight" which I don't have a label for and am kinda overflowing with them already so trying not to add too many random ones. It was dark enough that I needed to do manual settings at the quickest shutter speed (2.8 I think it was) with an aperature of around 6 I think. Basically I had to put my elbows on my thighs while holding my breath and squatting. I looked perfectly normal.

Anonymous said...

Excellent shots! It looks like they spent quite a bit of time polishing it up for the occasion.

Adam said...

Thanks Jackie! And I know they did, my cousin was really excited for his Falcon's car show debut.

Anonymous said...

love these shots. they look very stylish